The game is based on the Super Smash Bros. Although initially referred to as a sequel, Super Smash Flash 2 is a reboot of the critically received fan game Super Smash Flash. Presently, the game is in the hands of a dedicated group of Smash fans seeking to deliver a unique experience. Super Smash Flash 2, commonly abbreviated as SSF2, is a nonprofit fighting fan game developed by the Super Smash Flash 2 Team, led by Gregory Cleod9 McLeod, and published by McLeodGaming. The first playable demo was released to the public on January 2nd, 2010. The game is ever-expanding, and with each update will come some combination of new characters, stages, items, modes, and general improvements.Ĭrusade began development in 2008 by a team of brothers known as Falcon8r, Phantom7, and Dr.MarioX.
There's no shortage of content with fan-favorite single-player modes like Classic, Break the Targets, and Multi-Man Crusade, as well as up to six-player free-for-all and team matches that can be played locally or with your friends online using Radmin-VPN , or Parsec. Duke it out with our take on some of your Smash favorites, or pick up one of Crusade's newcomers- many of which we promise you won't find anywhere else.
Crusade is a free-to-play fangame that features a wealth of content spanning video games of all genres and video game culture alike.